Friday, July 20, 2007

A week of firsts..

Just wanted to make a list of our little Monkey's firsts this week:

1. First time on a swing. He loves it, thinks it amazing. Doesn't like to share it.
2.First trip to Target. He is already bored. I've explained that Target is like food and water-- so he better get used to it.
3. First solo trip down a slide. Brilliant.
4. First time "sleeping" on a nice bouncy mattress.
5. First all out dance party. He likes Justin Timberlake, Abba, and Billy Joel. (I fear I might have revealed something embarrassing about myself here).
6. First time he met his grandma and grandpa.
7. First time he met his uncle-- and asked to be picked up by him!
8. First contact with our seriously freaked out cats.
9. First Cheerios, Cheese, Cream Cheese, Bagel, Mashed Potato, Chicken Breast, Blueberries, and Soymilk. (With varying degrees of success).
10. First goodnight cuddle and a whole book with his very happy Mama.

He is a different boy then he was a month ago. I am sure that every parent feels that their children are a daily revelation, and I fall right into that catagory. To see him at this age see things for the very first time that would be familiar to most other kids.... its like feeling the wind on my face for the first time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


So I have Harry on CD if you want to borrow it - thought I'd have more luck listening than sitting and reading.