Thursday, November 8, 2007

A Monkey Turning Two.

The boy turned two. With a vengenance. He refuses to eat for a whole day at a time, he has these very dramatic tantrums which involve stomping around the house with his hands over his eyes whilst fake crying, and he is NEVER STILL. All of this, while being vaguely annoying, is a very good sign. He is catching right up to where he is supposed to be emotionally and socially.

No words yet. This is always the first thing people ask... and I know its the most obvious thing, but still give us a break! My father came up with the perfect response, it goes like this:

One of his friends: So, is Monkey talking yet?
Dad: Yes, but we can't understand him.
OOHF: Oh, so he's speaking Russian?
D: No, Italian.

I have not had the oppurtunity to use this yet... but I have it ready!

I was going to have a small birthday party for him, but as it rolled closer I realized that he wouldn't enjoy it, that it would be overwhelming to him, and that his party was really more about me. So I called it off, and we stuck to grandparents and one uncle. (My in-laws were here from Australia, which was also a bit complicated for our boy to understand. He misses them so much now!)

However, we did go to Bear's birthday party, and I think he had a pretty good time. Also, Bear has infected our monkey with a love for Elmo that is loud and proud. I will forgive her that, because it momentarily distracts him from the effin Doodlebops. Warning, if you click on that link, you will have that song stuck in your head for the rest of the day.

Toodles Doodles.

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