Monday, December 3, 2007

Lots of very good news...

In the interest of not only spreading some joy, but also perhaps widening my social circle a little bit....

Laura finally has a court date to bring Dmitry home!

Susan is off in a few days for her court date!

Rob and Dede met their son in Moscow today.

Tricia just returned from Velikiye Luki where she and her husband met their daughter!

Also, our agency received re-accreditation .

I read adoption blogs compulsively, but rarely comment (which is super annoying of me I know!). I get so wrapped up in every one's stories. Also, I'm not going to deny that when I see all these pictures of Moscow, I get a small urge to get going on our next adoption.

We talk a lot about when to adopt again, when we'll be ready to grow our family again. For the most part I think we need at least a year, I mean, we are really enjoying our Monkey, and adding more kids to the mix any quicker would, I think, cheat all of us (and I mean our future children as well).

Anyway, after the massive slow down and halt of adoptions, I'm so excited to see people moving forward, lets hope that this continues!


Anonymous said...

Just wait... the Monkey could show a fascination with yoga too.

A Room to Grow said...

You need to comment on my blog! Would love to know you better! :)

Laura said...

Hi Jen,
I just found you on tricia's blog! Monkey is 1 day older than our daughter Tiger, she was adopted from Kirov in February!
Happy New Year!