Friday, January 4, 2008

A Quick One.

If our President is named Huckabee I will move to England on November 5, 2008. This is not a joke.

(However, YAY Obama!)

Christmas went pretty well, the boy was overwhelmed by all the gifts, and the attention but overall, he managed it. Santa only bought 2 gifts plus a stocking, but we had tons of presents from Husband's family overseas, and my family-- he liked everything, but in one day it just about blew a fuse in his head.

New Years was an unexpected success. WE drove 4 hours to Husband's best friends house and stayed overnight. They have twins that are 6 months younger then Monkey-- so it is easier for us to make the drive. I was a wreck about it, I was sure he wouldn't sleep, that he would just freak right out. Well, I was wrong, he thought it was great-- exhausting, but great. He loved the twins, and had a great time. Also he slept from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.!!! Happy New Years to me!

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